5 strategies to help you keep your New Year’s resolution to do more sport

Buying technical sportswear has been shown to help people keep their New Year’s resolution to do more sport.
According to the experts, wearing technical sportswear for sports such as cycling, running or walking provides extra motivation for keeping a resolution.
We’re entering a new year… And one of your major resolutions is probably to do more sport, for better health and an improved appearance. The gastronomic excesses of the Christmas holidays and the mirror where we look at ourselves every day push us into a decision: we need to do some sport.
It’s also time to take back control of any possible overweight that we have built up. And of course, we want to burn off the calories we have accumulated quickly. The healthiest way to burn fat and therefore to reduce weight is to do a sport that is based on aerobic physical exercise.
But the best thing about starting to do sports is the happiness that it brings. We feel much better from a mental health point of view: it prevents depression, anxiety, relieve stress, improves the memory, sleeping patterns and mood.
But… what are the best strategies to follow to keep a resolution to do more sport?
1. Choose which sports activity you like
Seamos realistas en todo momento. No hagamos actividades deportivas que no nos atraigan y que supongan un macro esfuerzo que se convierta al final en una penitencia y no en una actividad en la que vamos a disfrutar. Establezcamos siempre metas claras y alcanzables, definiendo con qué frecuencia y durante cuánto tiempo.
Always be realistic. Don’t do sports activities that don’t appeal to you, and which involve a major effort that ultimately becomes a punishment rather than an activity that you’re going to enjoy. Always set goals that are clear and achievable, defining how often and for how long.
Cycling, running, trail running and swimming are undoubtedly some of the sports with the most aerobic exercises that will help you get rid of those extra pounds. And doing those sports properly requires technical wear that will help you to stay comfortable, while keeping your body cool and dry at all times.

2. Buy the right technical sports wear
Psychologically, looking at yourself dressed up in front of the mirror, with a jersey and shorts for cycling, for example, will help you keep your resolution. And if you can also see that the cycling outfit provides improved breathability and gets rid of unpleasant sweat, this all gives you a pleasant feeling of comfort.
Running is one of the most popular and affordable sports. It’s a sport that gives a great deal of satisfaction to the people who do it. But expert athletes and runners know how important it is to wear the right shirt, shorts and socks. You can’t wear just any shirt, for example. And running on tarmac isn’t the same as running on a mountain, for which you need a shirt with a fabric that is more resistant to abrasion and UV rays from the mountain sun.
Poor quality technical wear can put you off keeping your resolution to do more sport. Choose high quality brands with a good reputation for the design and manufacture of technical sportswear, such as Inverse. The brand’s website should give you reliable information on the details, finishes and specifications of the various sportswear models and which sport it is most suitable for.

3. Plan a routine and find a partner to play sports
Establishing set days of the week with fixed times and places is crucial for keeping your resolution. You need to write it down as a routine event in your diary, in which those days and times are filled with your sports activities. If you start to skip them on a regular basis, it is highly likely that you will not keep your resolution.
It has also been proven that we are more likely to stick to our resolutions if we have someone to accompany us and motivate us. Playing sports with friends helps us to socialise, and strengthens bonds of friendship. And couples who do sports together also have much better relationships.

4. Avoid the boredom of always following the same route
An extra motivation when running, walking or riding your bike is making a change and discovering new routes. Going down unknown paths and discovering hidden springs, viewpoints, old shrines, urban parks, streams… Anything new that you discover helps you to enjoy yourself and not get bored while doing sports.
5. Embrace challenges and celebrate achievements
Setting new goals and challenges enhances your motivation. Setting your own records by increasing the kilometres covered on your routes, shortening the time taken and reaching a specific peak are just a few examples.
And starting to participate in races and events that are suitable for your level can also be a great boost for continuing to do sports. And as you reach your goals, you must always celebrate your achievements for your own personal satisfaction.
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